Results for 'Fernanda Tusa Jumbo'

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  1.  81
    Aenesidemus and the Academy.Fernanda Decleva Caizzi - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (01):176-.
    In cod. 212 of his Bibliotheca, Photius provides some information of great importance for our scanty knowledge of Pyrrhonian scepticism between Timon and Sextus.
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    Faces of Freedom Summer.Bobs Tusa, Herbert Randall, Cecil Gray & Victoria Jackson Gray Adams - 2001 - University Alabama Press.
    "Few of Randall's nearly 1800 photographs were seen or even printed until 1998, when he donated the negatives to the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg. The following year, more than 100 of the photographs were exhibited on that campus as part of a commemoration of the 35th anniversary of Freedom Summer. Those photographs are now presented in this book, enhanced by Bobs Tusa's extensive introduction. Faces of Freedom Summer offers a rare and moving visual record of a remarkable (...)
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  3. Heideggers Übersetzung ins Rumänische.Laura Tuşa-Ilea - 2005 - Studia Phaenomenologica 5:327-332.
    In the past 20 years, 7 Romanian translations from Heidegger’s Complete Works have been published. They can be grouped in 3 phases: 1. the introductory phase (The Origin of the Work of Art, Path marks, Introduction to Metaphysics), creating a horizon for Heidegger’s thinking, almost unknown to the Romanian audience beforehand; 2) the etymological phase (Parmenide), trying to revive the Romanian linguistic and philosophical equivalences: 3) and the technical-systematic phase (Being and Time, Concept of Time, History of the Concept of (...)
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    The Experience of Succeeding and Failing at Self-Control: A Qualitative Analysis.Fernanda C. Andrade & Rick H. Hoyle - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the importance of emotions for learning and performance of future behaviors, few studies have attempted to qualitatively describe emotions that arise in response to self-control successes and failures. This study is the first qualitative analysis to examine the complexity of goals that give rise to self-control challenges of two types—initiation and inhibition—and the emotions that follow success and failure experiences. Thematic analysis revealed a sometimes blurred line between inhibition and initiation, and a variety of goals that challenge views that (...)
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    Heretical Dimensions of Self Responsability by Jan Patočka.Laura Tusa Ilea - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:331.
    Jan Patočka’s account of responsibility, as developed in Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History, is configured through the philosopher’s entire model of history, seen less as a scale of progress, but rather as a rupture. Responsibility is possible only for a very specific form of humanity, centered on history, problematicity and selfdisclosure. This type of historic humanity is in profound contrast with the prehistoric one, focused on “daimonic participation.” Responsibility involves the passage from prehistory to history. Despite the fact (...)
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  6. La speranza nel giusnaturalismo.C. Tusa - 1990 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 67 (2):282-289.
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  7. O ensino integrado e os saberes dos trabalhadores no PROEJA.Fernanda Zorzi - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi (ed.), Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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  8. Vertigos. Climates of Philosophy.Giovanbattista Tusa - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (7):7.
    In this essay, Giovanbattista Tusa suggests that we are currently witnessing a mutation, which disrupts the mythical imaginary that had confined viruses, climate change, and atmospheric turbulences to an immutable background in the all-too-human narrative of the struggle against nature. I argue that the incapacity of translating this mutation in cultural and social terms, and the repression of this traumatic experience, are the cause of the perturbation that haunts our time. Disorientation pervades philosophy when the entire imaginary to which (...)
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    Disfluencies, language comprehension, and Tree Adjoining Grammars.Fernanda Ferreira, Ellen F. Lau & Karl G. D. Bailey - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (5):721-749.
    Disfluencies include editing terms such as uh and um as well as repeats and revisions. Little is known about how disfluencies are processed, and there has been next to no research focused on the way that disfluencies affect structure-building operations during comprehension. We review major findings from both computational linguistics and psycholinguistics, and then we summarize the results of our own work which centers on how the parser behaves when it encounters a disfluency. We describe some new research showing that (...)
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  10. Taking a New Look at Looking at Nothing.Fernanda Ferreira, Jens Apel & John M. Henderson - 2008 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12 (11):405-410.
  11. Afrontamiento del duelo por pérdida familiar debido a Covid-19: estrategias de corto y largo plazo.Fernanda Matheus Estrela, Andrey Ferreira da da Silva, Ana Carla Barbosa de Oliveira, Júlia Renata Fernandes de Magalhães, Caroline Fernandes Soares E. Soares, Thais Moreira Peixoto & Milena Arão da Silva Oliveira - 2021 - Persona y Bioética 25 (1):2513-2513.
    Objective: To explore the strategies that can help individuals mourning a family member’s death from Covid-19 to cope with the loss. Method: We carried out a narrative review on the PubCovid-19 platform using the descriptors “death,” “mourning,” “Covid-19,” and “coping strategies.” Ten articles were included. Results: The strategies found are phone calls, audio recording, letters, and photos, classified as immediate and long-term. These strategies are focused on mental health, which can be adversely affected by depression and psychological disorders. Conclusions: Creating (...)
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  12.  17
    Ecocosmism: Finitude Unbound.Giovanbattista Tusa - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (1):27.
    Western modernity was born with a revolution of limits. Western man, who has become the creator of his own destiny, has identified freedom with a conscious and systematic violation of the given conditions, with a future that constantly transcends the present. This modern condition is thus characterised by the fact that it is limited by boundaries that are mobile and can change. From this observation arises the paradoxical situation that growth today is inconceivable if it is not linked to a (...)
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    Residência integrada multiprofissional em saúde do adulto e do idoso: um ano de formação de enfermeiras em atenção hospitalar.Fernanda Schommer Stein, Renata Simionato, Larissa Borges da Silva, Amábile Rodrigues de Souza Milani, Daniela da Silva Schneider & Solange Machado Guimarães - 2020 - Aletheia 53 (2).
    Residências Integradas Multiprofissionais em Saúde são programas de pós-graduação caracterizados por ensino em serviço. A ULBRA oferece o programa com ênfase em Saúde do Adulto e do Idoso e Saúde Comunitária. Objetiva-se descrever as atividades realizadas em ambiente hospitalar por enfermeiras. Trata-se de um relato de experiência de enfermeiras residentes em relação ao primeiro ano de formação especializada. O primeiro ano de residência abrangeu atividades em unidades de internação, centro cirúrgico e unidade de tratamento intensivo. Diversas foram as atividades desenvolvidas (...)
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    From dream to reality: a disabled child is born.Fernanda Girardi, Dóris Cristina Gedrat & Gehysa Guimarães Alves - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):60-88.
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    Contratempos – do amor: Filosofia, amor e melancolia.Fernanda Bernardo - 2014 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 23 (46):223-262.
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    Narrativa de Abilio Estévez: hacia una estética de la sujeción-expolición.Fernanda Bustamante - 2010 - Aisthesis 47.
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  17. John Stuart Mill.Fernanda Belo Gontijo - 2014 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 6 (11):284-289.
    Este trabalho visa informar aos leitores lusófonos sobre a publicação (em português) de John Stuart Mill, de autoria de Donner e Fumerton. O livro tem cunho introdutório e é dedicado aos tópicos mais importantes da filosofia de Mill. Ele divide-se em duas partes principais, sendo uma sobre o pensamento moral e político de Mill e a outra sobre a sua lógica, epistemologia e metafísica. Saliento as discussões que mais se destacam ao longo de cada parte e, ao final, apresento considerações (...)
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    (1 other version)A Penumbra Tocada de Alegría.Fernanda Henriques - 1998 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 6 (11):49-61.
    Ce texte cherch e à comprendre les rapports entre la philosophie et la poésie dans la pensée de Maria Zambrano. De ce fait, il exploitera le concept de raison poétique comme une façon d'essayer une expression de la réalité qui soit à la fois écoute et parole, ou bien ouverture et réponse. Pour María Zambrano la poésie sait comment y réussir et, à son avis, la philosophie le pourra aussi réaliser, si elle renonce à un discours autarcique et tout à (...)
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    O trabalho do psicólogo na mediação de conflitos familiares: reflexões com base na experiência do serviço de mediação familiar em Santa Catarina.Fernanda Graudenz Müller, Adriano Beiras & Roberto Moraes Cruz - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:196-209.
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  20. La filosofía no encuentra nunca reposo.Fernanda Navarro - 2020 - In Fanny del Río (ed.), Las filósofas tienen la palabra. México: Siglo XXI Editores.
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    Cinema no abrigo.Fernanda Walter Omelczuk & Giovana Scareli - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (72):1235-1252.
    Cinema no abrigo: encontros, gestos e acontecimento Resumo: Este texto é fruto de reflexões sobre nossa vivência com o Projeto de Extensão “Educação, Cinema, Outros Territórios” no Lar de Idosos ‘Abrigo Tiradentes’, em Minas Gerais. Um objetivo específico do Projeto é realizar sessões de cinema junto aos idosos em diferentes territórios. A metodologia e a avaliação das ações são compreendidas como um gesto de acompanhamento do Programa de Extensão, amparado na investigação cartográfica, prática metodológica pertinente para o acompanhamento de processos (...)
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  22. Elogio critico dell'imperfezione.C. Tusa - 1990 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 67 (1):140-148.
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    The Dividual: Digital Practices and Biotechnologies.Fernanda Bruno & Pablo Manolo Rodríguez - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):27-50.
    This article revisits the concept of the dividual, taking as a starting point Deleuze’s diagnosis about the relevance that dividual practices have gained with the advent of biotechnology and digital culture. Although we agree with this diagnosis, we highlight the intersections between the dividual and the individual both in Modernity and in the present time. The contemporary dividual is in tension with the modern individual, but not as a substitution, division or duplication of the individual. Rather, we state a complex (...)
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  24.  39
    Ser, esencia y atributos divinos: el conocimiento de Dios en la metafísica tomasiana según la interpretación de Jean-Luc Marion.Fernanda Ocampo - 2019 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 31 (1):155-190.
    Para Jean-Luc Marion, el pensamiento tomasiano no se deja encerrar en los parámetros de la metafísica onto-teo-lógica, tal como es definida por Martin Heidegger. Esto implica, respecto de Dios, que, si ya no ha de ser llamado “_ente supremo_”, pues para Tomás Dios se revela como el “_Ser mismo_”, carente de esencia, éste se caracteriza por su absoluta incognoscibilidad. Para sustentar esta interpretación, Marion recurre a una serie de tesis que entiende se desprenden de la consideración de algunos textos del (...)
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  25. Working with Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazilian Companies: The Role of Managers’ Values in the Maintenance of CSR Cultures.Fernanda Duarte - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (3):355-368.
    Corporate social responsibility refers to the duty of management to consider and respond to issues beyond the organization’s economic and legal requirements in line with social and environmental values. However, ‘management’ is constituted by real people responsible for routine decisions and formulation and implementation of policies. It can be said therefore that the ethical ideals and beliefs of these individuals – in particular their personal values – play an important role in their decisions. It is contended in this article that (...)
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  26.  47
    The relationship between obesity and quality of life in Brazilian adults.Fernanda B. C. Pimenta, Elodie Bertrand, Daniel C. Mograbi, Helene Shinohara & J. Landeira-Fernandez - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  27.  14
    Behind the scenes of the look: the other beyond the instant of metamorphosis.Fernanda Alt - 2024 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 31:41-51.
    When we think of Sartre's proposal for a theory of alterity in Being and Nothingness, our attention often turns to his famous and original analysis of “the look of the other”. The moment when Sartre presents this analysis in his work is characterised by the author's effort to escape from the problem of solipsism, and the development of a “phenomenology of the look” is presented as a decisive response to the problem. However, Sartre's critics have shown how problematic this response (...)
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    Avaliação de aspectos emocionais e comportamentais de crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista.Fernanda Saraiva Almeida, Jaqueline Portella Giordani, Denise Balem Yates & Clarissa Marceli Trentini - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (1).
    O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) tem início precoce e é caracterizado predominantemente por prejuízos persistentes na comunicação social recíproca/interação social e por padrões restritos e repetitivos de comportamento, interesses ou atividades. Pesquisas apontam que indivíduos com TEA apresentam altas taxas de problemas emocionais e de comportamento. O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar os aspectos emocionais e comportamentais através do Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) em crianças que preencheram critérios para o diagnóstico de TEA. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quantitativo (...)
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    Memento Mori ou Lembra-te que morrerás | Memento Mori or Remember you'll die.Fernanda Puricelli - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (2):410-417.
    Nos encontramos no momento atual, marcados por uma ideia de doença, iminência da morte e isolamento. Assim, nesse ensaio faz-se repensar sobre as imagens subjetivas do vazio, da melancolia e da solidão no sujeito. No processo de Memento Mori ou Lembra-te que Morrerás busca-se uma imagética do suicídio, do rastro da vida, do “após a vida”, que também termina por nos revelar, a impossibilidade de experienciar a própria morte.ORCID
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    Mariátegui y las antinomias del indigenismo.Fernanda Beigel - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (13):36-57.
    In this paper we intend, on one hand, to look over the current significance of “indigenismo” in Latin American intellectual field, and on the other, we try to analyze the polemics towards this matter occurred in the 20s. In this way, we will be able to examine the frame in which Mariátegui ´s ..
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    Geopolitics and Decolonization: Perspectives From the Global South.Fernanda Frizzo Bragato & Lewis R. Gordon (eds.) - 2017 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This volume presents timely commentaries on issues relating to Africa and Latin America, demonstrating the value of intercultural dialogue amongst voices from the Global South on decoloniality, cultural rights and politics.
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    Performatividad, liminalidad y politicidad en la práctica teatral del colectivo La Patogallina.Fernanda Carvajal - 2009 - Aisthesis 45.
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    Documentation Status Socialization as an Ethnic-racial Socialization Dimension: Incorporating the Experience of Mixed-status Latinx Families.Fernanda Cross - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (1):264-279.
    Ethnic-racial socialization serves as a protective factor in the development of minority children. However, few studies have focused on mixed-status Latinx families to include the broad expression of their ethnic-racial socialization practices centering on their immigration experiences as they teach their children the risks and restrictions of having undocumented status. These parents adapt their ERS in accordance with their experiences of stress, fear, and discrimination, all of which shape the type and frequency of their socialization messages. Through documentation status socialization, (...)
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    Depressão numa contextualização contemporânea.Fernanda Cavalcante Esteves & Alda Luiza Galvan - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:127-135.
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    Dalla patria allo Stato: Bertrando Spaventa, una biografia intellettuale.Fernanda Gallo - 2012 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Beyond pluralism: a descriptive approach to non-state law.Fernanda Pirie - 2022 - Jurisprudence 14 (1):1-21.
    The concept of legal pluralism has been used widely in legal scholarship to draw attention to the existence of multiple legal orders. Scholars have relied upon it to avoid the ideology of legal centralism, to counter colonialism, and to highlight the neglect of Indigenous laws. These are ameliorative approaches, which aim to expand the concept of law for particular purposes. But it is not clear that they help to explain what law is and does. In this article, I contrast these (...)
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    La angustia: un camino del hombre hacia lo divino.Fernanda Rojas - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (S2):137-154.
    Se analiza el concepto kierkegaardiano de angustia en su doble faz: la de sujeto que la padece y la de aquello que la produce, y se muestra cómo se da en ella la conciliación de lo humano con lo divino. La noción de ser humano permite indagar sus vínculos con los conceptos de libertad, posibilidad y elección, mientras que el análisis de la causa de la angustia posibilita cambiar el aire estético de El concepto de la angustia por el aire (...)
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    A investigação arqueológica como diagnóstico do presente: uma crítica ao pensamento antropológico.Fernanda Gomes da Silva - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (4):65-84.
    This article aims to produce a perusal of the archaeological investigation undertaken by Michel Foucault as a diagnostic work of the present. This posture seeks to establish a critique of the dominant anthropological thinking in the French scenario of the nineteen sixties. For this task, we describe the conceptual apparatus forged in the Archeology of Knowledge to follow a double movement of strong Nietzschean presence: at the same time that Foucault makes his critique of the humanisms that permeate the current (...)
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    Causality and intervention in the Spin-Echo Experiments.Fernanda Samaniego - 2013 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 28 (3):477-497.
    In the so-called “Spin-Echo Experiments” the behaviour of a spin’s system seems to violate the second law of thermodynamics. For this reason the “Spin-Echo Experiments” are considered of particular interest for the Foundations of Physics. Interventionists have provided a classical explanation (Blatt 1959; Ridderbos & Redhead 1998) and a quantum-based explanation (Hemmo & Shenker 2005) of these experiments. Here both interventionist explanations are assessed by means of the Manipulability Theory of Causal Explanation (Woodward 2003). It is argued that interventionism would (...)
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  40. The modularity of sentence processing reconsidered.Fernanda Ferreira & James Nye - 2017 - In Roberto G. De Almeida & Lila R. Gleitman (eds.), On Concepts, Modules, and Language: Cognitive Science at its Core. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
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  41. (1 other version)Há um modo feminino de habitar deus?Fernanda Henriques - 1999 - Philosophica 13:131-134.
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  42. Maternidades: narrativas maternas de consumo.Fernanda Bôto Paz Aragão, Silvia Helena Belmino Freitas & Marina Pereira Rios - 2023 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 29 (1).
    O estudo objetivou identificar e compreender significados presentes em narrativas maternas de consumo, com foco em roupas e acessórios infantis. Por meio de reflexões teóricas sobre maternidade, consumo e a crescente interação de mulheres em comunidades virtuais, criou-se um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado que permitiu a elaboração de categorias analíticas. Como resultados, identificou-se: o descarte representado nas doações de roupas e acessórios infantis para familiares e amigos como reafirmação de laços; roupas de bebê como fonte de memória e afeto e (...)
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    O Estado Regulador e as Novas Tecnologias: Desafios e Possibilidades.Fernanda Bulcão Rabelo Cavalcante & Elisabethe de Fátima Bulcão Rabelo de Carvalho - 2024 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 10 (1).
    Este artigo visa analisar, após apresentar o modelo atual do Estado regulador, a necessidade e possibilidade de incluir as novas tecnologias, especialmente a inteligência artificial, como objeto de tópico específico no bojo da regulação, considerando se tratar de tema recente e sob significativo interesse. Vivencia-se, atualmente, um boom na área tecnológica, com novas tecnologias surgindo a todo momento. Os impactos sobre a sociedade, de diversas ordens, tais como jurídicos, sociais e econômicos, não podem ser subestimados. Portanto, o Estado tem que (...)
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    Una critítica al criterio de correción para distinguir entre tipos de procesos subyacentes en una teoria híbrida de mindreading.Fernanda Velázquez Coccia - 2016 - Manuscrito 39 (2):89-118.
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    Impulso sexual: impulso lúdico e impulso estético.Fernanda Silveira Corrêa - 2016 - Doispontos 13 (3).
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    Neorrepublicanismo: tensiones entre democracia y libertad política en el pensamiento de Philip Pettit.Fernanda Diab - 2020 - Montevideo: CSIC, Universidad de la República Uruguay.
  47. La dignitatis humanae, Santo Tomás y Juan Pablo II.Maria Fernanda & Balmaseda Cinquina - 2006 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 46 (1):53-74.
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    Escritos filosóficos: veinte años después de Michel Foucault: entrevista con Michel Foucault: la ética del cuidado de sí como práctica de la libertad.Fernanda Navarro (ed.) - 2005 - México, D.F.: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
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    La doctrina general de los trascendentales en Dietrich von Freiberg, y su filiación aristotélico-averroísta.Fernanda Ocampo - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (3):659-681.
    El texto aristotélico Metafísica IV, 2, y sus interpretaciones por parte de los filósofos musulmanes, Avicena y Averroes, constituyen el marco teórico en el que se han elaborado las doctrinas acerca de los trascendentales, de varios autores latinos de la segunda mitad del siglo XIII de la Universidad de París, que se han posicionado en torno a la cuestión de la ‘distinción real’ entre el esse y la essentia. Según esto, nuestro trabajo busca trazar la dependencia de la doctrina general (...)
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    La materia prima absolutamente considerada en Tomás de Aquino: un ente sólo en potencia. A propósito de un libro de Ghislain-Marie Grange.Fernanda Ocampo - 2022 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 5 (1):126-142.
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